Philip Nache

Philip Nache obtained his Diploma in Biblical Studies from ECWA Theological Seminary Kagoro, Nigeria. His B.A. in Theology from Evangel Theological Seminary Jos, Nigeria. He obtained his  M.A. in Missiology with a major in World Religions from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and is currently a Ph.D. student at Biola University. Philip is and has been a missionary, church planter, teacher and pastor for close to three decades. For 19 years he taught many churches in Africa about personal and global prayer and comparative interaction between Christianity and other religions through a ministry he founded, Household of Agape Mission International (HAS Mission Int’l). During his field work in Nigeria with Evangelical Church Winning All, he planted two churches.

Since 2010 Philip has extended his work into the United States of America through a non-profit ministry called Stream of Nations (SON Ministry. He has been studying, training and teaching church leaders and engaging different people groups with the Gospel. In addition, he is presently with the North American Mission Board as a missionary/church planter in Minnesota, where he and his wife, Jummai, have planted two churches: Hope of Nations Gospel Church (majority South Sudanese) and Hope of Nations Fellowship Church (majority Northern Nigerians).

Philip Nache has also authored a book on practical Muslim-Christian dialogue titled, Reasoning Together, and he has written several articles.